Reconsidering Dante and Brunetto Latini (and Bono Giamboni)

Location: Rome Global Gateway

May, 18 – 19

This meeting, sponsored by the Devers Program in Dante Studies, has been organized in connection with the Research Project: “Dante’s Florentine Vernacular Culture, 1280-1301”, which is being undertaken by Luca Lombardo (Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Italian Studies at Notre Dame’s Global Gateway), under the leadership of Zyg Barański and Theodore Cachey. The main aim of the Seminar is to begin to reconsider Dante’s relationship to Brunetto by endeavoring to examine their possible connections less in light of Inferno XV as is normally done, not least because the canto constitutes a seeming ‘point of arrival’ and ‘of resolution’, but rather in terms of their possible earlier and evolving contacts whether historical or textual. In this respect, an important aspect of the re-evaluation is the emphasis that we would like to place on the Florentine cultural, social, and political context of the last twenty years of the thirteenth century – an emphasis that we have chosen to signal by including Bono Giamboni’s name in the ‘seminar’ title.

The languages of the seminar are Italian and English. Given the nature and organization of the seminar, participation is by invitation only.

Originally published at