Introducing the new Rome Global Gateway Associate Program

Author: Costanza Montanari

Mc 2019 Rome Global Gateway 01

Since the opening of the Rome Global Gateway (RGG), several Rome-based scholars have collaborated with it in various capacities. The creation of the new RGG Associate Program will allow a selected number of scholars to become formal collaborators of the gateway for two years. During those years, the Associates will be responsible for organizing one academic event at the gateway in co-sponsorship with their institution and in collaboration with faculty at Notre Dame, presenting their current research activity or field topic at the RGG. They will also offer mentoring to a selected group of students and facilitate the exploration and development of student exchange programs between their own institution and Notre Dame. 

“The creation of a Rome Global Gateway Associates Program fits well with the integrated model that is essential to the concept of the Rome Gateway in its research, education and institutional components,” says Silvia Dall’Olio, executive director of the Rome Global Gateway.

The program aims to expand and solidify relationships and collaboration with local institutions in Rome. While this is a long-standing strategic goal for the gateway, the current COVID-19 crisis and its ramifications on mobility makes the focus on the local network even more urgent and necessary. 

The first cohort of Rome associates has just been appointed and will include the following distinguished professors:

Diego Alonso-Lasheras
Professore straordinario - extra-ordinary professor of Theology, Pontificia Universita' Gregoriana

Maria Cinque
Professore associato - associate professor of Didactics and Special pedagogy, Libera Universita' Maria Santissima Ausiliatrice (LUMSA)

Flavia Marcacci
Professore ordinario - full professor of Philosophy, Pontificia Universita' Lateranense

Luca Marcozzi 
Professore ordinario - full professor of Italian literature, Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre

Matteo Sanfilippo 
Professore ordinario - full professor of History, Universita' della Tuscia and the Director of the Scalabrinian Centro studi sull'emigrazione in Rome

“This is a great new opportunity for the gateway and the whole ND community,” continues Dall’Olio. “The program will support the development of a group of locally-based researchers with active agendas that will animate the gateway and become resources for undergraduate, and potentially graduate and postdoctoral, students both in Rome and on campus. 

“The associates would be instrumental in the implementation of exchange partnerships, which would also serve the goal of internationalization of campus and strengthening the relationships between participating institutions,” she concludes