A policy for sustainability: Rome Global Gateway takes action

Author: Costanza Montanari

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In response to the pressing global challenges in sustainability, the Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway is taking steps to become more active. Several initiatives have been taken over the last few years to make the facilities more sustainable, as well as to raise the awareness of all people who work, study, and stay at the Gateway.

As part of the Global Day of Action, the Gateway is launching the series “ND Rome Gateway for the Future.” Three video episodes will highlight the efforts conducted in the following fields: energy saving, recycling, and the elimination of plastic.

Energy Saving

Recently, the facility management team in Rome installed a cogeneration plant for the ND Villa residence. This is one of the most advanced techniques in the field of energy production. The implementation of a cogeneration plant makes it possible to recover the considerable amount of heat, and therefore the considerable amount of energy that is normally dispersed during the combustion process operated by a system to heat a building.

The recovered heat is converted into thermal-electric energy to be used to support the system itself. This equates to an energy saving of up to 40%; the amount of harmful CO2 emissions into the environment is significantly reduced.

In addition to the new cogeneration plant, the presence of sensors that determine the switching off of lights when they are not needed, and, elsewhere, stickers reminding of the importance of doing that manually, are also elements to consider.


With regard to separate waste collection and recycling, it was decided to draw the attention to simple but significant gestures. Everywhere around the ND facilities, containers with clearly visible labels have been placed. The aim is to facilitate the distinction and grouping of organic waste, plastics and metals, paper and cardboard, in order to recycle them according to local regulations of the municipality of Rome.

Furthermore, the decorative pots for plants on the top terrace have recently been replaced with recycled plastic pots.

Plastic free

Another step that the Rome Gateway has taken is the work towards the limitation of production of plastic waste. In this regard, it was decided to replace the common vending machines for plastic water bottles. A sustainable water dispenser was set up in front of the cafeteria entrance instead, for free access to water.

As the Gateway’s events schedule intensifies, a sustainable choice has been taken. The usage of disposable plastic has been limited and all crockery among which, plates, cups, cutlery is now made of sustainable and plastic-free material as well as espresso cups for everyday usage of the staff.

The Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway wants to continue to be attentive to the various challenges concerning environmental protection. It wants to contribute to the efforts that are being made in Italy and in Europe, on sustainability. Every Notre Dame study abroad student, Rome Gateway faculty, staff or guest will have the chance to make a significant impact by making simple sustainable decisions.

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