Study Abroad student creates Rome Sustainability Website

Author: Costanza Montanari

Annelise Hanson is a Fall 2023 study abroad student who, during her stay in Rome, collaborated as an intern with the communications office and acted as a sustainability fellow.

Sustanability Website

As part of her internship Hanson has worked on creating a Rome sustainability website where all the work done so far and the work that will be done in the future on sustainability will reside. The creation of the website combined her communication skills and her fellowship. The website collects information relating to the work carried out at the Gateway and in the city of Rome in the fields of transportation, food, energy saving and waste management. The activity that the Gateway develops is also contextualized with the Italian and European reality and the new regulations implemented in the countries that are part of it. The site was created as a tool for students to learn about what is being done at the Gateway, ongoing activities as well as events and news in the field of sustainability. The site also collects the information, video and photographic materials on which previous sustainability fellows have worked over the last few years.


“ I loved working with the Rome Global Gateway communications team doing content creation and sustainability related web development to give insights to Notre Dame students, staff, and anyone interested to know what is going on in Notre Dame life and Rome,” comments Hanson.

The website is live and will be a work in progress and a tool for future study abroad students, to be up to date with local sustainability policies, make them your own and live your experience abroad in the most sustainable and aware way possible.

“I hope that the Rome Global Gateway Sustainability website will serve especially as a way to orient study abroad students to sustainability information about their new home and actionable steps to take part in being more sustainable as well as a way to communicate research, events, and other sustainability related topics,” affirms Hanson.

Visit the Rome Sustainability website here.