News » Costanza Montanari

Opening and blessing of the Villa in Rome

Light pink walls, an original “nasone” fountain, a beautiful garden with wood benches, 21 suite bedrooms for 91 students, a large kitchen, dining area, laundry room,…

Opening and Blessing of the Villa in Rome

Light pink walls, an original “nasone” fountain, a beautiful garden with wood benches, 21 suite bedrooms, a large kitchen, dining area, laundry room,…
Jj Wirght 2

Nuova musica alla Chiesa Nuova: dramma e devozione sulle tracce di Anerio

I cinque nuovi oratori, composti da J.J. Wright sulla base delle opere di Giovanni Anerio verranno presentati per la prima volta Giovedì, 1 Giugno alle ore 21:00 presso la Chiesa Nuova. Il concerto, patrocinato dalla University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) e dal Pontificio Instituto di Musica Sacra (Roma), vedrà...
Nick Eileen And The Kids

Students volunteer with refugees while studying abroad in Rome

In recent years Italy, along with many other European countries, has witnessed a large migration flow from countries struggling with poverty, violence, and war. We have all asked ourselves how such atrocities are possible. What makes refugees leave their homes? And, most…
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Interning in Rome for the U.S. Missions: a unique opportunity

The best way for students to be an active part of the city and use their linguistic and academic knowledge in a working environment is to do an internship, and what better place to start than one of the top three U.S. presences in Italy? As a matter of fact,...