
Work in Progress: A Postdoctoral Seminar

Location: Notre Dame Rome

This seminar will focus on current research projects on Medieval literature, and philosophical-theological thought, carried out by postdoctoral research fellows affiliated with the University of Roma Tre and/or the University of Notre Dame Rome as part of a broader collaboration between the two institutions.


Sessione 1. Novità dal progetto LiLeSC. Libri e lettori a Firenze dal XIII al XV secolo: la biblioteca di Santa Croce

16:00 – 16:50

Veronica Albi (Roma Tre-Notre Dame)

Il “Dialogus contra tristitiam animorum” di Servasanto da Faenza O.F.M. nella Firenze di Dante

Stefano Pelizzari (Università di Bergamo)

Una “Summa” contro gli epicurei nella Firenze di inizio Trecento. Nuove considerazioni

16:50 – 17:20 Discussione


Sessione 2. Research in Medieval studies at Notre Dame


Katie Sparrow (Notre Dame Rome)

"Non vi saprei io dir ben quel ch’io sono": (Self-)Characterization in Dante's “Vita nova”

Dov Honick (Notre Dame – American Academy in Rome)

Medieval Midrash in Christian Eyes: Petrus Alphonsi and Peter the Venerable as Windows into Jewish Thought

18:30-19:00 Discussione


This is a hybrid event. Register here to participate