Horizon Scan on Forest Restoration

Location: Notre Dame Rome

Restoring the world’s forests is essential for mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss and supporting millions of forest dependent Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs). Yet, global restoration efforts are threatened by climate change, infrastructure development, land reforms and changing rural demographics. Understanding how these challenges affect forest restoration efforts and IPLCs, and what opportunities to address these challenges are emerging is essential for the development of resilient forest restoration initiatives.
This workshop, led by the Sustainable Forest Transitions project at the University of Manchester with the support of the FLARE network at the University of Notre Dame, will bring together academics, practitioners, policymakers and donors from Global North and South to participate in a collective horizon scanning and foresight exercise to identify emerging opportunities (e.g., how can we efficiently scale-up forest restoration?) and challenges (e.g. how can we link donors to local communities?) for environmentally effective and socially-just forest restoration.

This is a closed event.